Saturday, March 21, 2009

On our last picture lunch we walked over this little bridge that looks so old and rusty, yet was just recently built. It made me wonder about all of the changes I've made in my life: about the many times I felt I was at a new beginning and the steps I had to take to get where I needed to be.

I am 40-years-old and I feel like this old rusty bridge, that is actually brand new. I've spent a lot of years getting where I am; but, I am only just beginning. Where do I go from here? Everywhere, crossing bridges as I get to them.

An old, dear friend of mine is dealing with some very serious decisions in her life. She is a very expressive writer and I asked her to write something to express what she is going through. The result was this beautiful poem that, I believe, epitomizes the emotional roller-coaster that comes with new beginnings in a person's life.

Here, right here, middle of the road.
How is this life going to unfold?
Do I turn left? Turn right? Or return?
Anyway I go I might be burned.
Maybe, I should stay right here.
Nice and cozy, no change to fear.
Watching the birds playing in the sun.
Feeling the rain dance is so much fun.
Though something seems to be missing.
Should something be different, I am guessing?
I know this place oh so well.
What is wrong I cannot tell.
Am I changing in this place?
Is it me that has a different face?
That could be right after all.
Life is to precious to let it fall.
I must go down this winding road.
Change is inevitable, I am told.
It could be good or it could be a tragedy.
I guess that happiness doesn't appear magically.
I must take control of where my life goes.
Good or bad, it is mine to bestow.
Change, yes change, has to occur.
My heart, my soul, my life must stir.
Hold on, there will be a lot of bumps.
I am sure I will feel my heart thumb.
Come on life, come on change!
If I don't go forward, I will be shortchanged.

...crossing life's bridges


  1. Hi Tammy,
    I see you haven't posted in a while but I wanted to stop in and congratulate you for being published in the new issue of Artful Blogging. {page 3}

    Your photos on your blog here are beautiful and although you just started "journal", I hope you continue to nurture it also.
    Nice meeting you,
    everything vintage

  2. I know your friend beautiful poem! I am sure she is a beautiful person!
