Monday, March 2, 2009

After having the opportunity to speak several times with an old flame, whom my brother never really got over, I asked him how it felt. He said, "You know that feeling you get when you're driving down the road and you narrowly escape an accident? In an instant your heart races super fast, your skin gets hot all over and you're keenly aware of every color, sound and detail of what's going on around you. That's the feeling I get whenever my phone rings and I know it's her."

I almost started crying from such a vivid expression of pure joy. I imagined all the springs in his heart making that "boing-oing" sound as it practically jumped out of his chest. I then automatically pictured myself drawing that picture: a red heart bouncing, on the glint of a silver spring, wrapped around it like a protective a metal hug. It has been a long time since I picked up a pencil and a sketch book. Even when I did sketch regularly, I never used color. This image, this art, is bold and red and must get down on paper - in color. I may have to make several variations of it before it is just right, but I will start making art again.

...the inspiration for Hearts Springs

1 comment:

  1. i love that image, and i love that you have been inspired to start making art again... and to create this blog... welcome to Blogland!
